
IT moves fast. We keep pace through agility, insight and innovation. Simon Thompson, SVP, Global Customers, explains how our dedicated teams with expertise and experience in international business are focused on driving business outcomes and customer loyalty through a superior customer experience.

Our customers have high expectations and complex requirements. With ORBIT, we combine a customer-centric culture, digital transparency and predictable performance to put them at the centre of everything we do so we can meet their needs.

Customer centric

What do we mean when we say we put customers at the centre of everything we do? It means we remove the complexity of doing business across borders by leveraging our global reach and building bespoke solutions tailored to every customer’s individual requirements. 

Specifically we do this through a flexible, consultative approach and bespoke service to match solutions with needs. And this is backed up by central project management, cost-effective delivery options, simplified deployments, and a clear and consistent pricing model.

Digital transparency

Effective communication is the key to building and nurturing any relationship, be it personal or professional. Our customers get a single point of contact to centrally manage end-to-end performance and ensure proactive SLA-driven metrics are met and communicated to each customer.

Our performance is data-driven – agile workflow automation, global shipping intelligence, supply chain data mapping and real-time monitoring of logistics.

Predictable performance

This visibility and accountability provides the peace of mind customers need on their deployments, projects and timelines. Our unique single global platform provides a clear view of day-to-day transactions and projects, including managed SLAs and month-on-month performance. It’s accessible and managed on user-friendly global, regional and customer-level dashboards. Plus, our APIs provide seamless visibility and data integration across the entire business environment.